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Market Studies

Market Analysis:
What is happening in the Real Estate Market today! Is it time to sell? Is it worthwhile to sell today? Should as owners investigate what is best? Should we as owners exchange, up or down? Should we as owners offer our property to a Real Estate Investment Trust? Maybe, the Market is changing to rapidly for our safety. These are the questions and answers that Foresite Realty Advisors can offer to an owner of real property.

Consulting Analysis:
This goes hand and hand with "Creative Problem Solving". Why do you wish to sell? What are your plans for the cash, if any? Can there be a better way to save cash? We can program the best way to save all the way around and put your cash to better, more profitable returns.

Global Site Selection:
It has taken many years to set up a network of contacts around the Globe. Foresite Realty Advisors has the marketing ability to search for any real estate site. Under the "Buyers Broker" or "Tenant Representative" umbrella we can locate any site for manufacturing/distribution or leased space anywhere!

About Us:
Byron W. Elias | Robert Giniecki | Walter Lotz | Donald Welch
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Represented Industries | Real Estate Sales | Leasing
Sales & Brokerage | Market Studies | Real Estate Exchanges | Real Estate Development